⌘ [Employment] I have joined Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, as a Software Engineer II.
⌘ [SIGMOD 2021] Our work "A Generalized Approach for Reducing Expensive Distance Calls for A Broad Class of Proximity Problems" has been accepted to ACM SIGMOD Research Track!!   Paper
⌘ Invited paper, Communications of the ACM Research Highlights, 2020 Our work "Scalable Signal Reconstruction for a Broad Range of Applications" is invited to appear in Communications of the ACM Research Highlights, 2020
⌘ [VLDB 2020] Our work "Orca-SR: A Real-Time Traffic Engineering Framework leveraging Similarity Joins" has been accepted to PVLDB demonstration Track
⌘[SIGMOD, 2020]Our work "Deep Learning Models for Selectivity Estimation of Multi-Attribute Queries" is accepted to SIGMOD   >Paper< |
⌘ [VLDB Journal 2020] Extended vesion(Invited) of our 2018 VLDB paper is now publised as "Scalable algorithms for signal reconstruction by leveraging similarity joins"   >Paper< |
⌘[ACM SIGMOD Record 2019] Our work on "Efficient Signal Reconstruction for a Broad Range of Applications" has been accepted to the SIGMOD Records   >Paper< |
⌘ [2018 ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award] - For our work "Leveraging Similarity Joins for Signal Reconstruction" (Awarded to top-5 resarch accross all top Database confernces -SIGMOD - VLDB - PODS - ICDE - EDBT - ICDT - etc. ) & Highlighted as a work likely to have broad appeal across the Computer Science Community   Link to Announcement Email
⌘ Computer Science Engineering IAB Endowed Scholarship 2019, by CSE, UTA |
⌘ Kelcy Warren Graduate Fellowship for Engineering 2019 (Awarded to 6 Researchers by College of Engineering, UTA) |
⌘ Cyneta Networks Outstanding Teaching Assistant-Graduate 2019 (Awarded to top Graduate Teaching Assistant in CSE, UTA) |
⌘ pVLDB Best Reproducible Research Award 2018 ( \First ever pVLDB Reproducibility award) Link |
⌘ Our work 'Leveraging Similarity Joins for Signal Reconstruction' will be featuring in VLDB'19 for its Zero Effort Reproducibility |
⌘ Our paper 'Leveraging Similarity Joins for Signal Reconstruction' is invited for Best of VLDB'18 Journal (less than 1% of the accepted papers) |
VLDB'18 Travel Award to attend the VLDB'18 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |